Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Flippin' Out

It came! It came! It came!

Yesterday (I love Amazon Prime!) I ordered a Bamboo Splash Tablet and set of headphones so I can work on some video lessons that will allow me to Flip my math and science lessons.

What-huh? My science time is perpetually pinched and my math, despite my best effort, remains middle-oriented and too teacher-centered. I want to change that:

Here's a bit on the why of a Flipped Classroom:

And a bit on the 'how'.

I'm looking forward to developing some videos... I'm already creating my own ActivInspire flipcharts. They can be recorded as video lessons using Screencast-O-Matic (Which is a free .com! Google it!) and see about adding some more interactive elements through eduCanon, like a quick quiz.

First things first, gotta get the box open and play inside. Get ready for a nerdy girl SQUEEEEEE!
(I'm such a dork. It's a wonder my husband puts up with me. He's learned to just smile approvingly and walk away...)

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