Sunday, August 11, 2013

I'll Be Less of a Loser Thanks to Remind 101

I'm a high-strung hot mess, a trait that has actually worked for me in the classroom, but it tends to get in the way of one thing, in particular. Parent communication. I am not good at finding time to sit down, write a cogent newsletter, get it to the copier, and finally, into folders. Too bloody many steps, so it doesn't happen. I can cut out a couple of said steps by sending emails; and I'm better at that, but I still need something for those quickie reminders that I always mean to give, but don't quite.

Enter Remind101.

I can text from my computer, and I can even schedule texts ahead of time, While my dumbphone gets texts just fine, it won't run the app, but my tablet will. That means that I can compose texts wherever I am when I think of it. In my untreated-adult ADHD world, that's useful. Useful and free. Good combo.

There are several lengthy tutorials on YouTube to help  you get started. I didn't think it was all that complicated, so I slapped together another of my odd stream-of-consciousness overviews

Click here to visit the Remind101 website.

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